Upcoming Pastoral Vacancy
Emmaus Lutheran Church, Edmonton, AB, is looking for candidates for our next
pastor, due to the retirement this fall of our current serving pastor.
Emmaus is affiliated with the Canadian Association of Lutheran Churches (CALC) and
is a multi-cultural congregation with an average Sunday attendance of 60. Our vision
is to be a caring, spiritually growing family congregation promoting the Gospel of
Jesus Christ through worship, discipleship and community outreach. The congregation
has a long history of service to the disadvantaged in the community.
Situated in an ethnically diverse neighbourhood in the NE quadrant of the city,
Emmaus is conveniently located on a transit route linking to the nearby Clareview LRT
station. An established neighbourhood, it has a variety of schools, recreation facilities
and shopping centres. Newer neighbourhoods and ongoing developments lie 10 to 20
blocks north and east of the church, as well as easy access to the NE corner of the
Anthony Henday ring road.
Edmonton, the provincial capital, is a fast-growing city of nearly one million and is
currently one of the most economical Canadian cities to live in. Straddling the North
Saskatchewan River, it is blessed with an amazing river valley park system, a vibrant
arts and cultural scene and a really, really good hockey team!
If you are a pastor who believes that the Holy Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of
God, with a heart for evangelism and discipleship, and are ready for the challenges of
a growing congregation, please submit a resume to:
Emmaus Call Committee
5015-144Avenue NE
Edmonton, AB T5A 4P9
ph: 780-478-8697
or email us at: